Tuesday 12 June 2012

Driving to Les Champeaux

Our breakfast was scheduled for 8.30, so we were on the road by 9.30.  We had only about 320 kilometers to travel today, but we had decided not to follow the motorways, so it took considerably longer.  When we left Boulogne Sur Mer it was raining quite hard.  We followed the coastal Route D940.  Either because of the rain, or because it was a Monday, all the towns along the way were very quiet, almost deserted.  We stopped for coffee at Le Crotoy.  We then continued along the D925 via Dieppe and Fecamp.  Just past Fecamp we took the D211 along the coast via Yport and Vattetot Sur Mer (where Nicky and Cliff) have a home.  We actually managed to find the house which is in a great location.

The deviation was great as the scenery was absolutely spectacular.  We finally stopped for a late lunch in Etretat, a beautiful old town.  It is most famous for its beautiful cliffs, including 3 natural arches.  After lunch we hit the motorway again reaching our fantastic holiday home at 6.30 pm.  This region is famous for Camembert, Cider and Calvados, as well as being close to the Normandy beaches.  It should be fun exploring the region.  We have 4 days to explore.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mary, you did put me under pressure though!! Thank goodness ML and BT wanted to sleep in!!
